Fairview Sale Barn - Fairview, IL
Special Feeder Sale
309-778-2225 |
Thursday, March 28, 2024 |
A large crowd of buyers gathered to evaluate over 1750 feeders at |
today's special which featured 6 loads of yearling steers that continue |
to see a lot of interest even though the dollars they bring top $2,000 |
per head in most cases! The
balance of the sale consisted of steers |
and heifers weighing mostly from 450 to 700 lbs. with 1 or 2 rounds of |
vaccinations. A few new crop fall
calves showed up but most of the run |
was longer time weaned spring and summer borns. |
Steers |
Load Lot |
300-400# |
280.00 |
to |
375.00 |
Avg |
330.00 |
400-500# |
270.00 |
to |
357.50 |
Avg |
310.00 |
800# @
259.00 |
500-600# |
255.00 |
to |
345.00 |
Avg |
295.00 |
809# @
260.00 |
600-700# |
230.00 |
to |
307.00 |
Avg |
268.00 |
841# @
250.00 |
700-800# |
220.00 |
to |
270.00 |
Avg |
245.00 |
880# @
243.00 |
800-900# |
210.00 |
to |
260.00 |
Avg |
240.00 |
893# @
242.00 |
900-1100# |
to |
217.00 |
Avg |
202.00 |
Heifers |
400-500# |
to |
347.00 |
Avg |
280.00 |
500-600# |
230.00 |
to |
295.00 |
Avg |
270.00 |
600-700# |
225.00 |
to |
317.00 |
Avg |
265.00 |
700-800# |
220.00 |
to |
278.00 |
Avg |
245.00 |
800-900# |
205.00 |
to |
256.00 |
Avg |
228.00 |
900-1100# |
181.00 |
to |
226.00 |
Avg |
210.00 |
Please note: The above market
report is reflective of the majority of |
classe and grades of livestock offered for sale.
There may be instances |
where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore
will |
not be included in the report.
Prices are reported on a cwt. Basis, |
unless otherwise noted. |