Fairview Sale Barn  - Thursday,  January 18, 2024
Fairview Sale Barn - Fairview, IL   Special Feeder Sale  309-778-2225
Thursday, January 18, 2024
1450 feeders at today's feeder special which featured 6 pot loads of back
grounded yearlings along with home-raised, fancy calves weighing mostly
from 550# to 750#.  The majority of these were double vaccinated
and weaned 60 days plus which is preferred by the buyers with the up 
and down temps we've seen.  Next Thursday is our last special in January
plus the yearling Kocher bred heifer sale on Saturday the 27th.
Steers Load Lot
300-400# 230.00 to 292.50 Avg 265.00
400-500# 235.00 to 305.00 Avg 255.00 802# @ 239.25
500-600# 220.00 to 309.50 Avg 245.00 809# @ 239.75
600-700# 190.00 to 259.00 Avg 230.00 875# @ 227.00
700-800# 180.00 to 236.50 Avg 220.00 950# @ 217.00
800-900# 177.00 to 239.75 Avg 215.00 1020# @ 211.00
900-1100#  171.00  to  217.00 Avg 190.00
Heifers Load Lot
400-500#  185.00  to  241.00 Avg 210.00 1002# @ 182.00
500-600# 190.00  to  246.00 Avg 220.00
600-700# 175.00  to  230.00 Avg 200.00
700-800# 160.00  to  226.50 Avg 190.00
800-900# 145.00  to  179.50 Avg 170.00
900-1100# 140.00 to 182.00 Avg 165.00
Please note:  The above market report is reflective of the majority of 
classe and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances
where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will
not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a cwt. Basis,
unless otherwise noted.