A nice crowd gathered for the May cow sale and because of the wet conditions
in our area it allowed several to come and buy cows for their pastures! 
Tonites sale consisted of 14 breeding bulls, 78 pairs and 163 bred cows.
The top on bulls was $3100 with several selling in that $3,000 range.  The
top paid on pairs was $3900 with a large percentage leaving the ring at
$3000.00 plus.  Pairs selling under $3,000 were either older cows or smaller
framed, thinner cows that didn't have the eye appeal to sell near the top.
The fall calvers had a lot of interest and they topped at $3100.  The best
end of these 2nd periods traded from $2350 to $3,000.  The balance sold at
$2300 and down.  3rd period summer calvers topped at $2850.  The majority
of these sold from $1900 to $2750.
387 slaughter cattle today including 147 fed steers and heifers that sold 
with good demand on a 193.00 top.  Overall the market traded fully steady
with last week.
Slaughter cows sold steady with excellent demand and bulls also traded 
steady without any numbers of high yielding bulls in the offering.
Slaughter Steers and Heifers
    Choice 3-4 186.00-189.50
    Choice 2-3 182.50-185.00
      High Yielding (prime) 190.50-193.00
      Low Yielding 179.00-180.00
   Mixed Select/Choice 2-3 178.00-180.00
   Select 1-2 173.00/down
Slaughter Cows - 
High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield
   Premium Whites 150.00-158.00 - -
   Breakers - 1300-1800# 141.00-150.00 132.00-140.00 131.00/down
   Boners - 1200-1600# 138.00-146.00 126.00-136.00 123.00/down
   Lean - 1000-1400# 134.00-144.00 125.00-133.00 123.00/down
Fancy Good Rest
Young cows returning to 
   farm for more feed 160.00-167.50 152.50-155.00 137.00/down
High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield
Slaughter Bulls 169.50 150.00-160.00 147.50/down
Please note:  The above market report is reflective of the majority of 
classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances
where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will
not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a cwt. Basis,