A nice late May run of feeders today (930 head) and it featured 6 loads
of yearling steers weighing from 877 to 972lbs.  Interest in these 
backgrounded feeders continues to have very good demand as prices
were several dollars higher than 2 weeks ago!  The balance of the sale
consisted of mostly weaned and vaccinated feeders weighing from 450 to
700 lbs.
Steers Load Lot
300-400# 300.00 to 400.00 Avg 350.00
400-500# 269.00 to 370.00 Avg 330.00 877# @ 257.50
500-600# 252.00 to 355.00 Avg 310.00 879# @ 260.75
600-700# 251.00 to 324.00 Avg 290.00 889# @ 260.25
700-800# 215.00 to 277.00 Avg 250.00 902# @ 253.75
800-900# 200.00 to 260.75 Avg 238.00 972# @ 239.75
900-1000#  183.00  to  253.75 Avg 225.00 961# @ 245.50
Feeder Bulls
400-500#  292.50  to  327.50 Avg. 310.00
300-400#  260.00  to  347.00 Avg 303.00
400-500# 265.00  to  330.00 Avg 300.00
500-600# 255.00  to  324.00 Avg 295.00
600-700# 210.00  to  289.00 Avg 252.00
700-800# 200.00  to  251.00 Avg 228.00
800-1000# 155.00 to 220.00 Avg 200.00
Please note:  The above market report is reflective of the majority of 
classe and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances
where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will
not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a cwt. Basis,
unless otherwise noted.