Fairview Sale Barn  - Thursday,  March 9, 2023
Fairview Sale Barn - Fairview, IL   Wean-Vac Sale  309-778-2225
Thursday, March 9, 2023
1667 feeder cattle at today's Wean-Vac Sale sold with very good demand 
on a market that continues to climb to higher prices!  Lots of green,
long-time weaned feeders were paraded in front of an active crowd of
bidders and the result was many of these green cattle selling in 
excess of 200.00 per hundred weight.  Our next special will be
March 30th.
300-400# 190.00 to 259.00 Avg 225.00
400-500# 180.00 to 269.50 Avg 240.00
500-600# 170.00 to 262.00 Avg 220.00
600-700# 165.00 to 236.00 Avg 190.00
700-800# 150.00 to 201.00 Avg 175.00
800-900# 148.00 to 193.00 Avg 172.00
900-1000#  138.00  to  183.50 Avg 160.00
300-400#  165.00  to  223.00 Avg 180.00
400-500#  165.00  to  238.00 Avg 200.00
500-600# 150.00  to  203.00 Avg 180.00
600-700# 142.00  to  180.00 Avg 165.00
700-800# 131.00  to  165.50 Avg 152.00
800-900# 130.00  to  176.00 Avg 150.00
Please note:  The above market report is reflective of the majority of 
classe and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances
where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will
not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a cwt. Basis,
unless otherwise noted.