Fairview Sale Barn - Slaughter Sale 4/18/2023
Fairview Sale Barn - Fairview, IL        Packer Day  (309) 778-2225
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
360 slaughter cattle including 188 fed steers and heifers that sold with
good demand on a 185.00 top!  The market traded steady but there were a
few new crop salves in the offering that could have used more weight and
Slaughter cows traded steady and bulls sold 3.00 higher.
Slaughter Steers and Heifers
   Choice 2-4   176.50-182.00
   Colored Choice 175.00-179.00
      High Yielding 183.00-185.00
      Low Yielding 165.25-172.50
   Mixed Select/Choice 2-3 165.00-170.00
   Select 1-2 160.00/down
Few agey fed heifers 125.00-145.00
Slaughter Cows - 
High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield
   Premium Whites - - -
   Breakers - 1300-1800# 110.00-113.50 104.00-109.00 99.00/down
   Boners - 1200-1600# 104.50-111.00 96.00-103.50 94.50/down
   Lean - 1000-1400# 99.00-107.50 90.00-96.50 89.00/down
Fancy Good Rest
Young cows returning to 
   farm for more feed 126.00-152.50 99.00-110.00 94.00/down
High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield
Slaughter Bulls 133.00-137.50 120.00-129.00 119.00/down
Please note:  The above market report is reflective of the majority of 
classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances
where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will
not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a cwt. Basis,
unless otherwise noted.