Tuesday, January 5,  2021 - Packer Day

A nice crowd gathered for the January Cow Sale that consisted of pairs and bred cows of all ages and quality! 

A small consignment of A.I. bred cows were very popular and topped the sale at $2050. 

A few small packages of bred heifers topped at $1625 with the bigger, growthier heifers selling from $1375 to $1625.  Smaller framed heifers sold mostly from $1075 and down. 

The pairs with fall born calves at side topped at $1750 with the bulk selling from $1300-$1600. Smaller and/or older cows with calves traded from $1285 and down. 

The best end of the young spring calvers traded homes from $1475 to $1900.   A middle cut of these  3rd periods mostly 3-5 year olds sold from $1200 to $1400.  Smaller framed plainer appearing 3rd periods sold from $1150/down. 

2nd period bred cows topped at $1750 with the top end selling from $1275 to $1650.

 Older 2nd and 3rd period cows traded mostly from $1200 and down.

Even though the  merc sold off yesterday, prices on the Fed offering traded 1.00-2.00 higher on a run of 155 head.  Top was 115.75 on a package of heifers weighing 1376#.

200 slaughter cows and bulls sold firm to 2.00 higher with demand a bit better than the last several weeks.

Slaughter Steers and Heifers      
   Choice 2-4 108.00-112.50    
       High Yielding 113.50-115.75    
      Low Yielding 100.00-106.50    
  Mixed Select/Choice 2-3 103.00-107.50    
   Select 1-2 98.00/down  
Slaughter Cows High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield
   Premium Whites 89.00 76.0-77.00 60.00-68.00
   Breakers - 1300-1800# 60.00-62.50 56.00-59.00 54.00/down
   Boners - 1200-1600# 60.00-63.00 53.00-59.00 52.50/down
   Lean - 1000 - 1400# 55.00-60.50 46.00-52.00 45.00/down
  Fancy Good Rest
Young cows returning to      
   farm for more feed 94.00 74.00-82.00 69.00/down
Slaughter Bulls High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield
  - 80.50-87.00 79.00/down

Please note:
The market report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances where
some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a per cwt.
basis, unless otherwise noted