Thursday,  June 10, 2021 - Special Feeder Sale

The June feeder special consisted of 1200 head and featured 6 pot loads
of yearling steers.  The demand was very good on these load lots as well
as the green vaccinated steers and heifers of various weights.  Plainer
and or fleshier feeders are getting more difficult to sell as high
feed prices have  made these cattle less attractive.
Next feeder special will be July 22, 2021
Steers Load Lot
300-400# 156.00 to 186.00 Avg 175.00 752  @ 144.00
400-500# 150.00 to 182.50 Avg 168.00 755 @ 145.00
500-600# 140.00 to 166.00 Avg 154.00 791 @ 142.50
600-700# 135.00 to 151.00 Avg 142.00 824 @ 141.00
700-800# 125.00 to 145.00 Avg 133.00 867 @ 138.25
800-900# 110.00 to 141.00 Avg 128.00 970 @ 126.00
900-1000#  100.00  to  126.00 Avg. 115.00
Feeder Bulls
400-500#  120.00  to  158.00 Avg 135.00
700-900# 89.00  to  106.00 Avg 95.00
300-400# 140.00 to 169.00 Avg 153.00
400-500# 136.00 to 160.00 Avg 147.00
500-600# 128.00 to 157.00 Avg 142.00
600-700# 120.00 to 151.00 Avg 132.00
700-800# 112.00 to 126.00 Avg 118.00
800-900# 105.00 to 123.00 Avg 113.00
Please note:  The above market report is reflective of the majority of 
classe and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances
where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will
not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a cwt. Basis,
unless otherwise noted.