Thursday,  April 29, 2021 - Special Feeder Sale

569 head sold at today's feeder special which featured 1 load of 1000# steers and 150 green vaccinated steers and heifers from one consigner.  The rest of the sale was small packages of feeders weighing mostly from 400-700#.  Those feeders weighing 650 and up along with fleshier feeders have softened somewhat but lighter greener steers and heifers still command good prices.

Steers-- Wt Range Price Range      
  300-400# 160.00 to 189.50 Avg. 172.00
  400-500# 155.00 to 184.00 Avg. 167.00
  500-600# 145.00 to 174.00 Avg. 158.00
  600-700# 135.00 to 152.00 Avg. 144.00
  700-800# 126.00 to 136.50 Avg. 131.00
Load Lot - 1022# '@ 123.75          
Feeder Bulls - Not enough to quote market          
  300-400# 144.00 to 174.00 Avg. 160.00
  400-500# 131.00 to 159.00 Avg. 145.00
  500-600# 123.00 to 160.00 Avg. 138.00
  600-700# 115.00 to 143.00 Avg. 130.00
  700-800# 112.00 to 130.50 Avg. 122.00
800-900# 116.00 to 117.0 Avg. 117.00

Please note:
The market report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances where
some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a per cwt.
basis, unless otherwise noted