Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - Packer Day/Breeding Stock Sale

The November cow sale although not big on numbers had an eager crowd that was mostly interested in pairs or 2nd period spring calving cows! 

Top on pairs was $1750 on a nice set of 3 year olds with fancy babies at their side! 

2nd period bred cows 3-5 year old topped at $1500 with the bulk selling from $1100 to $1400.  Middle ages 2nd period cows traded from $1000 - $1300.  Older spring calvers were marked from $1000 and down. 

1st period cows were mostly in a range from $800 to $1100 and a handful of 3rd period cows sold from $1200 and down. 

8 test bulls topped at $1800 with most from $1275 - $1675.

320 slaughter cattle including 180 fed steers & heifers that sold with moderate demand on a mostly steady; market.  Top was 105.50.

Slaughter cow prices continue to be pressured by plenty of numbers in the pipeline as very few cows are bringing 60.00 or better!  That said that condition of the market cows today was average at best.

Slaughter Steers and Heifers      
   Choice 2-4 101.00-104.50    
    Colored Choice 97.00-102.00    
       High Yielding 104.50-105.50    
      Low Yielding 95.00-100.00    
  Mixed Select/Choice 2-3 95.00-99.00    
   Select 1-2 94.50/down    
Heavy choice 1650-1735# 93.50-95.50    
Slaughter Cows High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield
   Premium Whites - - -
   Breakers - 1300-1800# - 54.50-60.00 52.50/down
   Boners - 1200-1600# 64.00 53.00-58.00 52.00/down
   Lean - 1000 - 1400# - 50.50-56.50 50.00/down
  Fancy Good Rest
Young cows returning to      
   farm for more feed 101.00-110.00 60.00-70.00 59.50/down
Slaughter Bulls High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield
  89.50 81.50-85.00 80.00/down

Please note:
The market report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances where
some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a per cwt.
basis, unless otherwise noted