Tues., October 1,  2019 - Packer Day/Breeding Stock Sale


Breeding Stock Sale


Bulls  $1225 to $1450


Cows -- quailty, size, and breed determining prices for pairs and breds.


Cow/Calf pairs - (3-6 years old) $925-$1700


Bred Cows:

Heifers - $525-$1225

3-4 years - $850

5-6 years old - $525-$1050

7-8 years old - $700-$850

9-SS years old - $500-$800

Aged - $600-$700



400 head of slaughter cattle today including 214 fed steers and heifers.  Top on feds was 109.50 which made the market 1.00 higher!  Best prices continue to be for cattle with more finish and weight.


Big cow runs ahve pressured prices as the trend today was 4 to 5 lower.  Bulls also sold mostly 6.00 lower!  About 100 head of replacement cows & bulls will sell at 5:00 p.m.




Slaughter Steers & Heifers        
  Choice 2-4 103.00-107.50      
    High Yielding 108.00-109.50      
    Low Yielding 95.00-102.00      
 Mixed Select/Choice 2-3  94.00-102.00      
  Select 1-2  94.00/down      
Several agey fed heifers 78.50-94.50      
Slaughter Cows High Yield Avg. Yield Low Yield  
Premium Whites - - -  
   Breakers-1300-1800# 59.50-63.50 54.00-58.00 53.50/down  
  Boners 1200-1600# 60.00-63.00 55.00-59.50 54.50/down  
 Lean 1000-1400# 53.00-54.00 46.00-52.50 44.50/down
Young cows reeturning to farm        
 for more feed  few  53.50-61.00    
Slaughter Bulls 73.00-75.50 65.00-70.00 62.00/down


Please note:
The market report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a per cwt. basis, unless otherwise noted