Thursday,  December 5,  2019 - Special Feeder Sale


1259 feeders sold today with moderate to good demand.  The offering was 85% weaned & vaccinated with very good quality and consisted of mostly new crop calves. 

300-400# 146.00 to 190.00 Avg. 168.00
400-500# 146.00 to 172.00 Avg 156.00
500-600# 145.00 to 164.00 Avg 151.00
600-700# 132.00 to 153.00 Avg 138.00
700-800# 118.00 to 145.00 Avg 136.00
80-900# 134.00 to 152.00 Avg 141.00
Steer Load Lot 922# @ 152.00    
300-400# 132.00 to 145.00 Avg 136.00
400-500# 129.00 to 143.00 Avg. 134.00
500-600# 125.00 to 145.00 Avg. 131.00
600-700# 118.00 to 131.50 Avg. 127.00