Thursday, January 17, 2019 - Special Feeder Sale  
682 cattle sold today, a much smaller number than previously consigned. The market was very good especially when conditions were considered. Farmers picked up the pace and made for a good market as order buyers were absent due to reduced numbers caused by the current weather, the threat of bad roads, the unpredictable forecast, and condition of their customers lots on the receiving end. Most of the early consignors were afraid of the market and decided to stay home also for many of the same reasons. Therefore, next Thursday the 24th has been designated as a replacement special sale, and most of today’s missing cattle will come then or the 31st. Weather permitting, these will be large sales. 

Except for cattle weighing 850# and up, today's prices were very fair and competition among bidders was quite good.

Wt Range       Price Range
300-400#  165.00  to  172.00
400-500#  172.00  to  179.00
500-600#  168.00  to  173.00
600-700#  145.00  to  155.00
700-800#  132.00  to  144.00
Feeder Bulls
Wt Range       Price Range
300-400#  145.00  to  159.00
400-500#  132.00  to  136.00
500-600#  128.00  to  139.00
600-700#  115.00  to  126.00
700-800#  132.00  to  144.00
Heifers - 
Wt Range       Price Range
300-400#  138.00  to  144.00
400-500#  148.00  to  160.00
500-600#  142.00  to  150.00
600-700#  125.00  to  128.00
700-800# 112.00 to 117.00

 800# and up (There weren’t enough cattle above 800# for a market test).

Prices do not include cattle with bad eyes or any other type of blemish, those with excessive fleshy, and any of below average quality. They reflect the sale of the most desirable cattle.

The next two Thursdays, the 24th and 31st will be feeder specials open to all feeders. Saturday, January 26th is a bred stock sale featuring as usual the Kocher and Lowery bred heifers—175 head total—plus several choice mature cows from reputation producers bred to top bulls. 



Please note:
The market report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a per cwt. basis, unless otherwise noted