temperatures with very low wind chill factors put cattle movement near the
bottom of things to do this week resulting in only 50 head coming to market.
But, the fed cattle market continued its improvement of the last two weeks. It
was a full $3.00 higher with a top of $128.25 for fats. The 27 fats in the
offering were top quality completely finished choice for the most part and sold
from $125.00 to the $128.25 top for high yielding. These figures haven’t been
seen for quite a while.
The cow
market for the 22 head in the offering was about steady for all classes as some
of the buyers sat on their hands rather than start a load with so few offered
and the brutal temperatures expected.
This Thursday
the 4th is the weekly regular sale for everything, and next Saturday
the 6th is the CAB feeder special for all black cattle and colored
cattle if at least ½ Angus. They must be weaned at least 30 days with at least
one round of pasteurella, the virals, and 7-way. No bulls please. Bring a copy
of your paper work showing the vaccination program, or your vet can fax it to
Next Tuesday
the 9th is the normal 10 AM slaughter sale followed at 5:00 by the monthly bred
cow special. Thursday the 11th is the regular weekly sale for
everything. Then on Saturday the 13th is a wean/vac sale for all
breeds with the same requirements as the CAB sale except there is no breed