1552 feeder cattle sold on a somewhat lower market than the January specials, but many were without shots, weren’t weaned, and were still bulls. The late summer and fall board with the $115-$117 live cattle futures is causing some discomfort among cattle feeders resulting in resistance to the high prices feeders have been bringing. There were a lot of takers in the audience, but they were not as aggressive as last month although grass cattle interest is coming to life with a few more grazers in the audience preparing to get started.
Steers & Bulls Heifers
300#-400# $155-$186 $130-$158.50
400#-500# $153-$194 $130-$163
500#-600# $130-$187.50 $125-$168.50
600#-700# $125-$172.50 $120-$153.50
700#-800# $110-$152.00 $120-$141
800#-900# $122-$148.50 (NA)
5 steer load lots sold: (778#-149.75), (782#-$150.75), (784#-$150.75), (787#-$150.25), (838#-$147)
Next Thursday, February 6 is the next cow sale and a nice run is in the making, The next feeder special is Thursday the 15th and will feature a lot of weaned, vaccinated, and preconditioned cattle.