Thursday - March 16, 2017- Special Feeder Sale

Thursday's feeder sale consisted of 1302 cattle with about 80% of the cattle being weaned with at least 1 round of vaccinations.  With grass just around the corner, the lighter, greener cattle had the most interest ringside!  Several packages and groups of 650-850# steer and heifers benefited from the recent surge in the fed market which has jumped 30.00/cwt. since the December lows.

Our next feeder special will be Mach 30th.

  300-400# 120.00 to 180.00 Avg. 160.00
  400-500# 120.00 to 176.00 Avg. 155.00
  500-600# 115.00 to 169.00 Avg. 153.00
  600-700# 111.00 to 157.50 Avg. 142.00
  700-800# 110.00 to 144.25 Avg. 134.00
  800-900# 105.00 to 134.00 Avg. 127.00
Feeder Bulls            
  400-500# 120.00 to 148.00 Avg. 135.00
  500-600# 128.00 to 142.00 Avg. 133.00
  300-400# 120.00 to 148.00 Avg. 140.00
  400-500# 115.00 to 150.00 Avg. 139.50
  500-600# 110.00 to 150.00 Avg. 136.50
  600-700# 108.00 to 137.00 Avg. 127.00
  700-800# 106.00 to 128.50 Avg. 124.50
  800-900# 92.00 to 123.00 Avg. 114.00

Market Cows & bulls
- Steady to firm with Tuesday's market

Please note:
The below market report is reflective of the majority of classes and grades of livestock offered for sale.  There may be instances where some sales do not fit within reporting guidelines and therefore will not be included in the report.  Prices are reported on a per cwt. basis, unless otherwise noted.