Thursday - May 26, 2017-
Regular Sale
Only 74 Feeder Cattle sold this week as
numbers have all but dried up. The drop in the
futures market has had little effect on anything
green in flesh that has grass potential. Prices
for grazing calves remain very strong as the
rains keep coming and the grass continues its
rapid growth. Buyers add to their present count
trying to keep up with conditions. Prices for
light weaned and thin steers with shots still
can push the $2 a pound figure. Heifers of the
same kind are far behind in the 140’s and 150’s.
Bigger cattle and fleshier ones not suitable for
grass are more closely tied to the board figures
and sell for less.
We will have a cow sale on Tuesday, June 6, at 5:00 with 25 cow/calf pairs
and 30 fall calving cows consigned to date. This number will grow by sale
time. The next feeder special will be Thursday, June 8 and is open to all
feeder cattle….no restrictions.
Please note:
The below market report is reflective of the
majority of classes and grades of livestock
offered for sale. There may be instances
where some sales do not fit within reporting
guidelines and therefore will not be included in
the report. Prices are reported on a per
cwt. basis, unless otherwise noted.