Sat. –November 12, 2016 – CAB Feeder Sale
2400 head of feeder cattle sold at Fairview Sale Barn in the fall CAB sale sponsored by the Lamoine Valley Angus Association. All were weaned, vaccinated, and Angus based. The quality was as good as could be found anywhere and condition was the best. 2300 head were in overnight. The weather couldn’t have been better. Plenty of buyers were on hand and were aggressive. The figures below include everything except for a few of lower quality and those with problems. The lower end of the range generally reflected those that were a little short on quality, or had a bit more flesh than buyers desired. 

The next feeder special is next Thursday, Nov. 17 and is open to all feeders.  There are no retsrictions.

31 300-400# 149.00 to 172.00 Avg. 160.00
169 400-500# 140.00 to 161.00 Avg.. 151.00
252 500-600# 128.00 to 145.00 Avg. 137.00
296 600-700# 125.00 to 143.00 Avg. 134.00
288 700-800# 125.00 to 140.00 Avg 134.00
338 800-900# 124.00 to 140.00 Avg. 134.00
154 900-1000# 122.00 to 134.00 Avg. 129.00
Potloads 910# 132.00        
  905# 125.00        
  898# 118.50        
  860# 132.00        
  845# 133.75        
  845# 134.25        
  842# 131.50        
  778# 138.50        
  769# 138.00        
  760# 140.00        
73 300-400# 130.00 to 151.00 Avg. 142.00
138 400-500# 128.00 to 145.00 Avg. 133.00
350 500-600# 124.00 to 131.00 Avg. 127.00
191 600-700# 105.00 to 124.00 Avg. 118.00
53 700-800# 104.00 to 118.00 Avg. 114.00
36 800-900#     114.25    
Heifer Load Lots 684# 122.00