Saturday, February 20, 2016 - Wean.Vac Sale
2338 head of feeders were offered to an eager group of buyers and were sold out
by 8:15 after a 12:00 start. There were no weak spots as there were several
buyers for all weights and classes.
The better light steers up to 400# brought $210 to $237.50 and heifers $180 to
$213. 400#-500# steers topped at $226.50 averaging $209 and heifers had a $197
top with a $186 average. The 5-6 weight cattle had a $208 top for steers and an
average of $187 with heifers topping at $180 on a $172 average. 700# to 800#
steers had a 174.50 top averaging $166 and the handful of heifers showed a
$150.75 top with an average of $146. 8-weight steers had $158.00 for the top and
averaged $149. 9-wt steers brought $144 for the best and ranged downward quickly
for less than the best. Very few 8 and 9 weight heifers were offered.
Fleshy cattle and those with minimal eye appeal continually brought less than
the quoted average for all weights. There were seven full 50,000# load lots of
yearling steers in the offering and cattle feeders were in hot pursuit.
Loads: (713#--$174.50) (774#--$166.50) (781#--$168.00) (812#--$150.00)
(844#--$151.00) (886#--$147.00) (917#--$144.00)
Reminder…Tuesday March 1 at 5:00 is our next replacement cow special and will
feature a lot of calved out heifers with very good calves at side along with
several nice cows. Watch for the listing on our web page, or give Jake (309)224
2226, Ray (309) 337 6029, or Bob G (309) 696 9798 a call.