Saturday, January 18, 2014 - Blue Ribbon Bred Cow Sale

252 stock cows sold today.  Top quality cows and heifers were very popular.  Smaller and lesser quality cows and heifers were harder to find buyers.  Heifers with calves at side sold like gold nuggets.

Next Special Feeder Sale is January, 30, noon.
Next Cow Sale is Tuesday, February 4, 5 p.m.

Jack Heifer Pairs - 10 pairs, Avg. $2515
Kocher Heifers - 83 hd @ 1136# - $2400
Clover Cows/Heifers - 58 hd @ 1221# - $2001 Avg.
Hammitt Heifers - 63 hd @ 1100# - $1691 Avg.
Green Cows - 12 head @ 1315# - $2010 Avg.
Hackett Cows - 5 hd @ 1400# - $2430 Avg.