Thursday, May 1,  2014 - Regular Sale

256 cattle came to the auction today.  Tractors were idle so the bleachers were full of buyers and they were aggressive.  Grazing cattle sold for big bucks and stocker replacements for feedlots also sold well.  The board stays strong and drives the market.  There seems to be no let up in the near future.  All of the best steers up to 600# brought $2 and more and the better heifers up to 500# also brought $2 and more.

Steers&fdr Bulls-100 hd          
300-400# 220.00 to 267.50 Avg. 234.50
400-500# 190.00 to 240.00 Avg. 227.00
500-600# 195.00 to 216.00 Avg. 201.75
600-700# 190.00 to 196.00 Avg. 193.30
Heifer- 95 head
300-400# 190.00 to 242.50 Avg. 228.00
400-500# 190.00 to 224.00 Avg. 203.00
500-600# 180.00 to 197.00 Avg. 186.00
600-700# 165.00 to 184.00 Avg. 175.00
700-800# 150.00 to 170.00 Avg. 162.00

Market Cows - Best, high yielding with condition - $90-$107
    Average yield and condition - $80-90